Back to Wall WCs
Upgrade your bathroom with a modern back-to-wall unit for a clean, uncomplicated bathroom design. Designed to be fitted into the wall or with a coordinating back-to-wall furniture unit, our back to wall pans benefit from concealed pipework, helping to create a unified and streamlined bathroom space that's easier to clean and maintain. Many of our back to wall toilets are short projection, occupying the minimum amount of space in your bathroom. Complete your back-to-wall toilet with a practical and durable toilet seat from our collection.

Marston Back-to-Wall WC Pan

Compass Round Wall Hung WC

Compass Round Back To Wall Pan

Compass Round Comfort Back To Wall Pan

Compass Square Wall Hung Pan

Compass Square Back To Wall Pan

Compass Square Comfort Back To Wall Pan

Micra Evo Back To Wall Pan

Aerial Comfort Height Back To Wall Wc

Orbit Back To Wall WC

Structure Back To Wall WC